Remake of Vintage Fisher Price Record Player

fisher price record player

Good news: If you have fond memories of the Fisher Price record player you played with as a kid, they’ve re-issued it!

Slightly-less-good news: While it’s still super cute, instead of of it being an “actual” record player that plays special plastic records, it has an electronic music box inside. Boo.

But have no fear, if you all of a sudden want to get your hands on the real deal, good ‘ol eBay to the rescue. Try this search link for vintage fisher price record player.

Happy Hippo Cookies by Kinder

Kinder Happy Hippo

happy hippo kinder

It’s probably a good thing for my waistline that these cookies are Italian and not so easy to find here! But then again, could I bring myself to take a bite out of something so cute?

P.S. If you’re in the U.S. and looking to buy some and can’t find them in any local imported food shops, you can find them via these search links on eBay or Amazon.

(first photo by Flickr user Boli and Xie)

Adorable Crocheted Critters by MillieFern

tooth amigurumi

beaver amigurumi

from amigurumi

This Etsy shop was a reader submission and let me just say… DARN! It was hard to choose which of the many awesome little creatures to feature here!

Etsy seller MillieFern makes super sweet crocheted critters. And according to her shop description she loves custom orders. So, if you have a friend with a unique animal obsession, you now know where to go to get a custom gift made!

P.S. The tooth has a little pocket in the back so it is Officially Tooth Fairy Compliant!

(Thanks kaybi03 for this submission!)

Japanese Spaghetti and Pizza Shaped Candy Making Kit (yeah, that’s a lot going on at once)

japanese pizza spaghetti candy

Prepare to have your mind blown in a way that only wacky, ingenious Japanese toy makers can do. This toy/kit comes with different kinds of powders which you mix with water and then form into edible candy that looks like spaghetti and pizza. Insane!

P.S. If you like this, you might also like our articles on Konapun.