Remake of Vintage Fisher Price Record Player

fisher price record player

Good news: If you have fond memories of the Fisher Price record player you played with as a kid, they’ve re-issued it!

Slightly-less-good news: While it’s still super cute, instead of of it being an “actual” record player that plays special plastic records, it has an electronic music box inside. Boo.

But have no fear, if you all of a sudden want to get your hands on the real deal, good ‘ol eBay to the rescue. Try this search link for vintage fisher price record player.

Mighty Tiny Vintage Record Player Toy

vintage mighty tiny record player

I just randomly stumbled on this picture of a vintage  miniature record player toy called Mighty Tiny. Words cannot express how much I want to get my hands on one of these. Heck, I’d settle for just the box! (via

Wondering what this bad boy sounds like? Let’s just say… we’ve come a long way.

Oh, and considering the fact that a set of four Mighty Tiny records is selling on eBay for $279.99 right now, I think I better just marvel at the YouTube video!