… MUST DESTROY CHRISTMAS TREE by night! (via reddit)
A smooch for mama
If only little ones would never outgrow giving their mama a kiss on the head! (via reddit)
If this prim and proper kitten could talk…
… I’m pretty sure she’d have a British accent and be asking for her tea and crumpettes right about now. (via reddit)
Momma Cat Hug [video]
Just keeps getting cuter the longer you watch this video clip. I promise it’s worth it.
Kitten Adorably Freaked Out By Its Own Reflection [video]
Who needs cat toys when you’ve got a good ‘ol fashioned mirror?!
Wake up mom!
Wake up mom! Someone’s taking our picture! (via reddit)
Somebody’s Gotten into the Cookies
I think we need a full investigation into the matter of these mysterious footprints. I might even need to reproduce the scene of the crime at home. Just to see how it plays out. (via reddit)
Pi-cat-chu? Pika-mew? I just don’t even know what to do with this. Nor the fact that Pikachu is suposed to be a mouse, right? All kinds of things are just not right in the universe here. haha. (via reddit)
P.S. I’m 99.9% sure this is Photoshopped and that no real kitties where dyed or humiliated in real life!