Tee hee. Thanks to the UK Daily Mail for keeping on top of some seriously cute news such as this photo of a 10-week old baby born with a full head of red hair.
Baby in Handmade Care Bear Costume
Oh, come on now. This handmade Care Bear costume by Instructables user schoochmaroo is cute but the photo is painfully cute.
Think this takes some complicated sewing skills to create? Well maybe not. The first line of instructions is: “Find a bear that is approximately the size of your baby. Gut it.”
Japanese Baby Mop Commercial [video]
I’m pretty sure this is a spoof ad but it’s brilliant nonetheless. (Discovered via BoingBoing)
Single Babies Video
Apparantly the Beyonce force is so strong not even 13-month-olds can resist! (Be sure to watch for a couple of minutes. It just gets funnier and funnier!)