Color me utterly fascinated.
Apparently there’s this popular kind of toy in Japan called Konapun where you go through all the motions of cooking to make tiny realistic replica food items (that aren’t actually edible).
Each toy set makes a different kind of fake food (cakes, burgers, pizza, sushi, etc). The kit comes with all the “ingredients” plus tiny mixing bowls, spoons, spatulas, etc. Plus whatever “cooking” implement is needed like an oven, stove, freezer, etc.
What the heck is this stuff actually made of you ask? Apparently “kona” means powder and the main ingredient is powdered sodium alginate which is a fiber contained in seaweed.
So amazing. This doesn’t help my theory that I am a Japanese girl trapped a 30-something-year-old American’s body.
Here’s where you can feast your eyes on even more Konapun awesomeness:
Find lots of Konapun kits to buy on eBay
Search for Konapun in google to see lots and lots of pictures of these kits